The movie "Working Class Ballet" from 2007, directed and produced by Roberts Vinovskis, is a documentary that explores the world of football beyond the typical perceptions. It delves into the cultural and philosophical layers of the sport, presenting football as more than a game. Rather than just showcasing players and fans, the film emphasizes football as a symbolic dance of life, embodying ethical, aesthetic, and social dimensions that mirror the drama and intensity of human existence. The documentary features insights from theorists, philosophers, linguists, a neuropsychologist, and a football coach, highlighting the parallels between the game and life.
"Working Class Ballet" presents football as an intricate performance blending sport and societal reflection. From countryside fans to grand championship events, it portrays football as a metaphor for life's drama, intensity, and connection to modern society.
To create a nuanced, alternative portrayal of football as a deeply resonant cultural phenomenon rather than mere entertainment.
I wove symbols from the physicality of football, the elegance of dance, and the strategy of chess, among others, to show the film’s layered narrative.
Movie: "Working Class Ballet"
Client: Studio Locomotive, Director, and producer - Roberts Vinovskis
Year: 2007
Service Category: Graphic Design, Illustration, Movie poster
Designer: Gints Apsīts (Graphic Design, Art Direction, Illustration)
Client: Studio Locomotive, Director, and producer - Roberts Vinovskis
Year: 2007
Service Category: Graphic Design, Illustration, Movie poster
Designer: Gints Apsīts (Graphic Design, Art Direction, Illustration)